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175 pages found. To see a page, click on its title. / 175 pages trouvées. Pour visualiser une page, cliquer sur son titre.

Your Profile / Votre profil

…you to the site home page. Open the email and click the link to create your new password. Veuillez saisir votre adresse mail ou votre nom d’utilisateur et cliquer sur…

(Search hits / résultats de la recherche : 0 (title/titre), 1 (body/corps du texte). Term(e)s:, new: 1 . Score: 1 )


An article about fig trees / Un article sur les figuiers

Look in Plant Articles for a new post on the talk by Pierre Baud of Pépinières Baud about fig trees. Cherchez dans Articles sur les plantes un nouveau post sur…

(Search hits / résultats de la recherche : 0 (title/titre), 1 (body/corps du texte). Term(e)s:, new: 1 . Score: 1 )


Shrubs and woody plants suitable for hedges

…Corokia spp. Of New Zealand origin, where they make superb hedges. Some drought-tolerant species are being trialled by MGF members. Contact David Bracey if you are interested in taking part…

(Search hits / résultats de la recherche : 0 (title/titre), 1 (body/corps du texte). Term(e)s:, new: 1 . Score: 1 )


October / octobre 2021 Visite de la Pépinière Quissac, Souvignargues

…of the shrubs died right down. However, the roots survived and produced new shoots which grew to the same height as the previous ones which had died. It is best…

(Search hits / résultats de la recherche : 0 (title/titre), 1 (body/corps du texte). Term(e)s:, new: 1 . Score: 1 )


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