Gardening / Jardinage
Paving, walls, steps and stones… / Dallages, calades, murets, escaliers…
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Voici quelques idées de dallages, calades, murets, escaliers et pierres d’architecture pour embellir vos jardins.
Photos prises dans le jardin de Erik Borja.
Texte et photographies de Elisabeth Gratraud
Elisabeth’s idea inspired me to think about the many examples of imaginative use of hard landscaping materials that we’ve come across during our garden visits. All Nicole de Vésian’s gardens demonstrate how stone, in both decorative and useful form, sits harmoniously with Mediterranean plants.
However other materials can look good too, pebbles, slate, terracotta and different kinds of wood, especially when it’s re-cycled from the garden as in the palm tree bench pictured below. Here are some favourite examples from our travels:
Text Christine Daniels
Photos from the MGF archive