List Pages: Creation & Maintenance
There are a number of pages on the site which are lists of items. Examples include: plant lists, recommendation lists and so on. As these pages are subject to change, they are not created in the usual way with the Gutenberg editor (and cannot be edited by it). Instead, the information contained in the lists is held in a series of spreadsheet-like tables. You can create new lists or change/delete existing ones by adding or modifying these tables. Some of the tables (especially Plants) contain a large number of items. To help you find what you want, there are facilities for: sorting the table by a specific column, restricting the rows shown by the use of a filter, and searching for specific text. which can be modified as required. Once the appropriate table (or tables) have been updated, the page is generated by a plugin which is launched via the administrative dashboard (Pages, List generation). This page identifies which tables are used for each page and provides the instructions on how to update them.
Note: As of January 2022, the Seed List no longer uses this system. The page is generated directly from an Excel spreadsheet (‘MasterSeedList.xls’) in the wp-content/other_files folder. See the ‘Help’ worksheet in MasterSeedList.xls for details of how to update this list.
Pages & Tables
This section identifies which tables are used for each of the list pages.
Page | Tables |
All plant list pages (exc. Plants for Wildlife) | Headers, Lists, Tab Names, Plants |
Plants for Wildlife | Headers, Lists, Tab Names, Wildlife Plants |
All recommendation pages (exc. Recommended Books) | Recommendation Types, Recommendations |
Recommended Books | Headers, Lists, Tab Names, Recommended Books |
Forthcoming Events | Headers, Events, Email Addresses |
Gardens to Visit | Headers, Gardens to Visit |
Updating a Table: General Instructions
The tables are maintained by the wpDataTables plugin. This is a commercial product for which MGF has a perpetual licence. To access a table for update, click the link near the top of the List Generation page in the dashboard sidebar and then click the name of the table required to see the data. The following general instructions apply to all tables; instructions specific to a given table can be found in the appropriate tab below. To make changes, click in the table and an action box will appear with three options: New entry, edit and delete. Click the one you want.
To change the contents of a row, click anywhere in it and select ‘Edit’ in the action box. Another pop-up box will display the current contents of the row. Make the necessary changes and click OK. You can also add a new row after changing an existing one by clicking ‘Apply and add new’ instead of ‘OK’.
To add a new row, click anywhere in the table and select ‘New entry’ in the action box. Another pop-up box will appear where you can add the new row. Click OK or, if you are adding more than one row, click ‘Apply and add new’.
To delete a row, click anywhere in it. A pop-up box will ask for confirmation of the delete. Be careful about using this feature as there is no undo function.
Sorting, searching and filtering
Sorting. At the head of each column, the column name is displayed. Clicking on the column name will sort the table by this column. An up or down arrow at the side of a column name indicates the table is currently sorted by this column; the direction of the arrow indicates whether the sort sequence is ascending or descending. Clicking the column name again will reverse the sequence.
NOTE: Using this feature does not affect the way the lists are ultimately sorted on the page itself; this is done by the list generation process.
Searching. Above the table, you will find a search box. Enter the text you are looking for. Without the need to click anything else, the system will display any rows where there is a match in any row for the search term that you entered. Remove the search term and all records will again be displayed (unless there is a filter active – see next paragraph). The search is not case-sensitive and will look in any part of the table for matches. So, for example, if you enter as your search term ‘La’, then you will get matches for any row that contains, say, ‘Plants’ or ‘Late Summer Colour’.
Filtering. Filtering is allowed on some columns, as indicated at the top of the column (between the column name and the first row) by either the message ‘Enter filter here’ or a down arrow. Where ‘Enter filter here’ is shown, enter the text on which you want to filter. Any text entered will limit the display to only those rows where there is a match for the term in the column concerned. As with search, filtering is not case-sensitive and all the contents of the column will be searched. Where the filter is shown by a down arrow, click the arrow and select the filter you want. Filters on more than one column will be combined (i.e. for a row to display, it must match all of the filters). To clear active filters, click ‘Clear filters’ at the head of the table.
Table Specific Instructions
Fields marked * are mandatory
Fields marked † can contain the following HTML tags (but no others): <a><i><b>