Plant lists / Listes de plantes
Flowering Trees and Conifers
Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Acacia retinodes ‘Lisette‘
Mimosa des quatre saisons. Flowers most of the year, perfumed.
Grows in alkaline soils, cold resistant to -5-8 C. Height 4-5m.
Aesculus californica
Californian horse-chestnut, perfumed white/pink flowers.
May need training to one stem. Height to 8m, spread to 10m.
Catalpa bignonioides
Strong grower, very large leaves, needs shelter from Mistral, stake.
Large fragrant white flowers, attractive to bees, bean-shaped fruit. Height 8-15m.
Ceiba speciosa
syn. Chorisia speciosa
syn. Chorisia speciosa
Trunk has stout spines and swollen base. Attractive pink/red flowers.
May need protection. Height 9-15m.
Chilopsis linearis
Train as a standard tree, pink/mauve flowers in summer.
Very drought resistant. Height 5-10m.
Citrus trifoliata
syn. Poncirus trifoliata
syn. Poncirus trifoliata
Spiny small tree. Fragrant white flowers and small, bitter orange fruits.
Height 1-4m.
Erythrina crista-galli
Attractive red flowers. Only hardy in sheltered areas with minimal frost.
Height 2-3m.
Ficus carica
Grow as a tree on single stem. Large leaves, edible fruits.
Photo: Ficus carica ‘Ronde de Bordeaux‘
Photo: Ficus carica ‘Ronde de Bordeaux‘
A wide selection of dwarf and standard fruit trees are available, ornamental as well as productive.
Photo: Prunus avium ‘Bigarreau Moreau‘
Photo: Prunus avium ‘Bigarreau Moreau‘
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Small/medium tree with summer flowers.
Koelreuteria paniculata
Showy panicles of golden-yellow flowers, impressive, autumn colour.
Easy to grow from seed. Height 5-8m.
Laburnum anagyroides
Large pea-like yellow flowers, prone to pucerons.
Height 5-7m.
Lagerstroemia indica
Tree, or large shrub, with prominent many coloured flower panicles.
Attractive bark. Height 2-8m.
Melia azedarach
Spreading, fast growing, with fragrant star-shaped lilac flowers.
Yellow fruits remain on tree throughout winter. Height 5-15m.
Morus nigra
Black mulberry. Edible fruits.
Height 6-15m.
Ceanothus arboreus ‘Trewithin Blue‘
Small tree covered in deep blue flowers in March/April.
Height 4-8m.
Eucalyptus spp.
Most tolerate frosts to -5°C, but some species much more hardy.
Height 10-50m.
Photo: Eucalyptus woodwardii
Ligustrum japonicum
Used as hedging and as a street tree, variegated.
Height 3m.
Nerium oleander
Wide range of colours. Can be grown as a standard.
Height 2-6m.
Photo: Nerium oleander ‘Barcelona‘
Phillyrea latifolia
Grow as a standard. Fragrant green/white flowers.
Height 2m.
Pistacia chinensis
Small/medium tree, magnificent red autumn foliage.
Height to 20m.
Cupressus macrocarpa
Monterey cypress, many cultivars. Height 15m.
Image: Bernard Trainor and associates
Pinus pinaster
Maritime pine, native to the Mediterranean region.
Height 20-30m.