Mediterranean Gardening France

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This page lists all the plugins used on the site. To manage plugins, click ‘Plugins’ in the dashboard sidebar. Most of the plugins are third party and a few of these are premium versions for which MGF has paid a licence. For security reasons, any additional third party plugins should only be selected from the official WordPress plugin store: in the administrative dashboard: Plugins -> Add New Plugin.

Plugins whose names begin with ‘Create-‘ are MGF-developed and are used to create and update list pages such as the various plant list pages.

Once installed, plugins have to be activated from the plugin page in the dashboard sidebar. Some of the installed plugins are currently deactivated (names shown in italics) but could be needed in the future.

The code for plugins is stored in public_html/wp-content/plugins.

Akismet Anti-spam: Spam ProtectionThird partyProtects against spam when comments are allowed. 
Algori PDF Viewer LiteThird partyAllows the inclusion of PDFs directly in a page.
Category Tag PagesThird partyAdds categories and tags functionality to pages.
CookieYes | GDPR Cookie ConsentThird partyPuts GDPR-compliant pop-up box on site.  Currently not in service. See more…
Create-xxxMGFA set of plugins to generate the different list pages (plant lists, recommendations, etc.). See more…
DCO Comment AttachmentThird partyAllows the attachment of files to comments.
Folders ProPaidProvides the folder structure for pages, posts and media.
Frontend Reset PasswordThird partyThe mechanism for users to reset/change their passwords.
Easy Google MapsThird partyProvides Google maps facility.  Used on Gardens to Visit but can be used elsewhere.  Fee to be paid if usage exceeds a limit (which MGF will not reach).
Kadence Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks for Page Builder FeaturesThird partyProvides additional blocks not in Gutenberg (or improved versions of those that are).
LiteSpeed CacheThird partyEnhanced caching to improve response time of the site
MetaSliderThird partyAllows the inclusion of image slide shows on pages.
Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by BrevoThird partyThe Brevo plugin used for mailings to members as well as transactional emails (notification of new members, etc.). See more…
Page Views CountThird partyAccumulates and shows viewer counts on pages
ParameterThird partyAllow parameters to be passed in the URL and be recognized by WordPress
Popup BuilderThird partyAllows the inclusion of pop-ups on pages. Used for the help features of the member app.
Prisna GWT – Google Website TranslatorThird partyThe page translator.
Regenerate ThumbnailsThird partyAllows the resizing of thumbnail images.  Used once during site development. Possibly no longer required.
RelevanssiThird partyThe search feature.
Simple CSSThird partyAllows the easy inclusion of CSS code as opposed to using the standard style sheet.
White Label CMSThird partyAllows customisation of standard WordPress framework. Used to create the Member Area part of the dashboard. See more…
Wordfence SecurityPaidThe firewall plugin. See more…
WordPress Backup & Security Plugin – BlogVaultPaidBacks up the entire site (files and database) to a remote location according to a set schedule or on demand. Allows for partial (single file or database table) or complete restoration. See more…
wpDataTablesPaidThe table plugin for the creation and maintenance of the data for the list pages. See more…
WPFormsPaidPlugin for the creation of forms (member signup, broadcast messages, etc.). See more…
WPForms Form PagesPaidAdd-on to WPForms.  Cost included with basic product.
WPForms User RegistrationPaidAdd-on to WPForms.  Cost included with basic product.
WP-PaginateThird partyAllows pagination for posts and comments.
WP CrontrolThird partyDisplays all cron jobs and permits management thereof.
WP phpMyAdminThird partyProvides access to the WordPress database. See more…
Yoast SEOThird partySEO plugin


The System Code

All code is stored in the public_html folder.

The WordPress Core

This provides the basic functionality of the system. Under no circumstances should it be modified as any changes that made will be overwritten the next time the WordPress core is updated. On that issue, the core should be kept up-to-date.

There will be a notification in the dashboard when an update is available and, in principle, the update should be applied as soon as possible. The process involves one click of a link.

Hooks (Filters and Actions)

Although it is inadvisable to change the WordPress core code, the system does provide a means to add functionality at different points in its execution. This functionality is provided by hooks. Hooks are fired when certain events (such as a page load) occur. Hooks can be either an action or a filter. Actions cause custom code to be executed. Filters change the returned value of an internal WordPress function.

Example of an action:

// Function to redirect logout to MGF home page rather the standard WP login page
function mgf_redirect_logout(){
	wp_safe_redirect( home_url() );
add_action('wp_logout', 'mgf_redirect_logout');

Example of a filter:

// Change the text of the login/logout menu item
function loginout_text_change($text) {
$login_text_before = 'Log in';
$login_text_after = 'Sign in<br>Se connecter';
$logout_text_before = 'Log out';
$logout_text_after = 'Sign out<br>Déconnexion';
$text = str_replace($login_text_before, $login_text_after ,$text);
$text = str_replace($logout_text_before, $logout_text_after ,$text);
return $text;}

There are thousands of these hooks and filters and so it is impossible to learn them all. The best way to proceed is to search for the functionality that you want and the results will usually find you the appropriate filter or action. Filters and actions are placed in a file called ‘functions.php’ which is part of the theme.


The WordPress core only provides basic functionality. Additional features can be added by means of plugins. There are thousands of these which will do most of what you might want to do but if all else fails, you can write your own. Many plugins are free but most have a premium version for which you have to pay. Maintenance of plugins is via the ‘Plugins’ item of the dashboard sidebar. Here you can see which plugins are installed and whether or not they are activated. You can also search for new plug-ins in the WordPress Plugin Directory. For information on the plugins used on the MGF site, click here.

Other code

Code can also be found in:
