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Four new activity reports / Quatre nouveau comptes-rendus d’activités


Posted on: 14th January 2020 at 12:38 pm by Ian Davis

New plant list / nouvelle liste de plantes

In ‘Plants’, a new plant list: ‘Plants which survived well in the heatwaves of 2003 and 2019’.

Dans la section ‘Plantes’, une nouvelle liste: ‘Plantes résistantes aux canicules de 2003 et 2019’.


Posted on: 14th January 2020 at 12:35 pm by Ian Davis

New Garden Diary / Nouveau journal de jardin

In ‘Gardens’, sub-section ‘Gardening Diaries’, an article written by Julia Fogg and Anny Evason about their experience of creating ‘Le jardin qui chante‘ for the Chaumont garden festival.

Dans ‘Jardins’, sous-section ‘Journaux de jardin’ un article de Julia Fogg et Anny Evason sur leur expérience en la création du ‘Le jardin qui chante’ pour le festival des jardins de Chaumont sur Loire.


Posted on: 14th January 2020 at 12:33 pm by Ian Davis

New Gardening article / Nouveau article de jardinage

In ‘Gardening’, an article ‘Planting up a pot for a sunny position’ based on the demonstration given by Nina Guichard and Romain Pfister of NR Landscaping after the October 2018 planning meeting.


Posted on: 26th November 2019 at 11:01 am by Ian Davis