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Plants for Dry Places in full or partial shade

Plant lists / Listes de plantes

Plants for Dry Places in full or partial shade

Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Akebia quinata
Akebia quinata
Semi-evergreen. Dark red flowers April – May.
Clematis armandii
Clematis armandii
Evergreen. White flowers in spring.
Hedera helix Oro di Bogliasco
Evergreen. Many named varieties.
Photo: Hedera helix ‘Oro di Bogliasco‘
Holboellia coriacea
Holboellia coriacea
Evergreen. Purple fruit in autumn.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
Deciduous. Red foliage in autumn.
Solanum amygdalifolium
Solanum amygdalifolium
An unusual plant recommended by Olivier Ezevin.
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Evergreen. Highly scented white flowers in summer.
Cyrtomium falcatum
Cyrtomium falcatum
Glossy leaves. Low-growing.
Dryopteris filix mas
Dryopteris filix-mas
Deciduous. Can reach 1 metre in height.
Dryopteris sieboldii
Dryopteris sieboldii
Semi-evergreen. Arching, upright habit.
Polypodium cambricum
Polypodium cambricum
Semi-evergreen. Low-growing.
Polypodium vulgare
Polypodium vulgare
Evergreen. Spreads easily. Height 30 cm.
Polystichum setiferum
Polystichum setiferum
Evergreen. Soft-textured fronds.
Anemone blanda
Anemone blanda
Creates a blue carpet in early spring.
Cyclamen cilicium
Cyclamen cilicium
Mauve flowers in autumn.
Cyclamen coum
Cyclamen coum
Dark pink flowers in winter.
Cyclamen hederifolium var. crassifolium
Cyclamen hederifolium
Pink or white flowers in winter.
Photo: Cyclamen hederifolium var. crassifolium
Iris confusa
Iris confusa
Evergreen. Pale blue or white flowers in spring.
Iris japonica
Iris japonica
Evergreen. Pale blue or white flowers in spring.
Leucojum aestivum
Leucojum aestivum
Deciduous. White flowers in spring.
Sternbergia lutea
Sternbergia lutea
Yellow flowers in autumn.
Thalictrum tuberosum Rosy Hardy
Thalictrum tuberosum
Creamy-white flowers in spring.
Photo: Thalictrum tuberosum ‘Rosy Hardy‘
Acanthus mollis
Acanthus mollis
Evergreen in winter. Flowers May- June.
Acanthus spinosus
Acanthus spinosus
Evergreen in winter. Flowers May- June.
Agapanthus praecox
Agapanthus praecox
Evergreen. Blue flowers June- July.
Anemone sylvestris
Anemone sylvestris
The ‘snowdrop’ anemone. Flowers in spring.
Anemone x hybrida
Anemone x hybrida
Many named varieties. Flowers late summer.
Aspidistra eliator Variegata
Aspidistra eliator ‘Variegata‘
Hardy to -5°C
Aster divaricatus
Aster divaricatus
Deciduous. White flowers June -October.
Catanache caerulea
Catanache caerulea
Abundant blue flowers in summer.
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Good ground cover. Red foliage in autumn.
Ceratostigma willmottianum
Ceratostigma willmottianum
Sub shrub. Red foliage in autumn.
Dianella caerulea
Dianella caerulea
Evergreen. Blue flowers in sprng.
Dicliptera suberecta
Dicliptera suberecta
Summer flowers. Foliage dies back in winter.
Euphorbia characias
Euphorbia characias
Evergreen. Lime green flowers in spring.
Geranium macrorrhizum Sandwijck
Geranium macrorrhizum
Semi-evergreen. Pink flowers in spring.
Photo: Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Sandwijck‘
Geranium nodosum
Geranium nodosum
Deciduous. Pink flowers from spring to autumn.
Geranium sanguineum
Geranium sanguineum
Deciduous. Also ‘Alba’ cultivar.
Helleborus foetidus
Helleborus foetidus
Evergreen. Flowers early spring.
Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus
Helleborus lividus subsp. corsicus
syn. H. argutifolius
Evergreen. Flowers early spring.
Iris foetidissima
Iris foetidissima
Late spring flowers are followed by pods of bright orange seeds.
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari
Evergreen. Mauve flowers in autumn.
Lobelia laxiflora
Lobelia laxiflora
Orange-red flowers in summer. Hardy to -8?C.
Melissa officinalis
Evergreen. White flowers June – October.
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Six Hills Giant‘
Nepeta x faassenii
Flowers May- June. Many named varieties.
Photo: Nepeta x faassenii ‘Six Hills Giant‘
Ophiopogon japonicus
Ophiopogon japonicus
Evergreen. Good ground cover.
Phyla nodiflora
Phyla nodiflora
Semi-evergreen. Good ground cover.
Symphytum officinale
Symphytum officinale
Comfrey/ consoude
Teucrium chamaedrys
Teucrium chamaedrys
Evergreen. Purple flowers June – September.
Teucrium flavum
Teucrium flavum
Evergreen. Yellow flowers May – June.
Teucrium x lucidrys
Teucrium x lucidrys
Evergreen. Good for a low hedge.
Vinca major Variegata scaled
Vinca major
Evergreen. Blue flowers March – April.
Photo: Vinca major ‘Variegata‘
Vinca minor
Vinca minor
Evergreen. Blue flowers March – April.
Viola odorata
Viola odorata
Evergreen. Violet or white flowers in spring.
Abelia x grandiflora 1
Abelia x grandiflora
Semi-evergreen. White or pink flowers June – September
Abutilon megapotamicum
Abutilon megapotamicum
Semi evergreen. Hardy to – 6°C.
Arbutus unedo
Arbutus unedo
Evergreen. White flowers and strawberry-like fruits.
Bupleurum fruticosum
Bupleurum fruticosum
Evergreen. Lime green flowers June-August.
Buxus sempervirens Elegantissima
Buxus sempervirens
Photo: Buxus sempervirens ‘Elegantissima‘
Choisya ternata scaled
Choisya ternata
Evergreen. White flowers in spring.
Danae racemosa
Danae racemosa
Glossy evergreen foliage
Myrsine africana
Myrsine africana
Evergreen. Tiny purple berries.
Myrtus communis
Myrtus communis
Evergreen. White flowers followed by purple fruit.
Nandina domestica
Nandina domestica
Foliage colour changes throughout the year.
Philadelphus coronarius Belle Etoile
Philadelphus coronarius
Deciduous. White flowers in summer.
Photo: Philadelphus coronarius ‘Belle Etoile‘
Phillyrea angustifolia
Phillyrea angustifolia
Evergreen. Tiny white flowers in spring.
Pistacia lentiscus
Pistacia lentiscus
Pittosporum heterophyllum
Pittosporum heterophyllum
Evergreen. Yellow flowers May – June.
Pittosporum tenuifolium Atropurpureum
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Evergreen. Many cultivars.
Photo: Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Atropurpureum‘
Pittosporum tobira
Pittosporum tobira
Evergreen. Scented cream -coloured flowers in April – May.
Raphiolepis x delacourii ‘Springtime‘
Raphiolepis x delacourii
Evergreen. White or pink flowers in spring.
Photo: Raphiolepis x delacourii ‘Springtime‘
Rhamnus alaternus
Rhamnus alaternus
Evergreen. Yellow flowers in spring.
Ruscus aculeatus
Ruscus aculeatus
Evergreen with glossy red berries.
Ruscus hypoglossum
Ruscus hypoglossum
Evergreen. Pale yellow flowers in spring.
Sarcococca confusa
Sarcococca confusa
Evergreen to 1.5 metres tall. Scented flowers.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis
Sarcococca hookeriana
Evergreen to 60 cm. tall. Scented flowers.
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus
Evergreen. White flowers in winter, followed by dark blue berries.


Plantes pour une terrasse végétale

Plant lists / Listes de plantes

Plantes pour une terrasse végétale

Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Achillea umbellata
Achillea umbellata
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

S’adapte au piétinement (adapts to foot-traffic)

Antirrhinum hispanicum
Antirrhinum hispanicum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Arctanthemum arcticum
Arctanthemum arcticum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

White, daisy-like flowers September – October

Artemisia ‘Canescens ‘
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Artemisia caerulescens subsp. gallica
Artemisia caerulescens subsp. gallica
Propagation par rhizomes

S’adapte au piétinement

Artemisia pontica
Propagation par rhizomes

S’adapte au piétinement

Clinopodium serpyllifolium subsp. fruticosum
Clinopodium serpyllifolium subsp. fruticosum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

White flowers June – October

Convolvulus cneorum
Convolvulus cneorum
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Dianthus pyrenaicus ‘Cap Bear‘
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Dorycnium hirsutum scaled
Dorycnium hirsutum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Erigeron karvinskianum
Erigeron karvinskianum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Erodium trifolium
Erodium trifolium
Propagation par semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Erysimum x cheiri
Erysimum x cheiri
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Euphorbia Copton Ash
Euphorbia ‘Copton Ash‘
Propagation par rhizomes

S’adapte au piétinement

Euphorbia cyparissias Tall Boy
Euphorbia cyparissias ‘Tall Boy‘
Propagation par rhizomes

Moyen adaptation au piétinement

Euphorbia nicaeensis
Euphorbia nicaeensis
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Geranium macrorrhizum
Geranium macrorrhizum
Propagation par rhizomes


Geranium sanguineum
Geranium sanguineum
Propagation par rhizomes


Geranium x cantabrigiense Biokovo
Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo‘
Propagation par rhizomes


Helichrysum orientale
Helichrysum orientale
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Hypericum aegypticum
Hypericum aegypticum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Hypericum olympicum Citrinum
Hypericum olympicum ‘Citrinum‘
Propagation par drageons (suckers)


Limonium pruinosum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Linum arboreum
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Nepeta racemosa
Nepeta racemosa
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Oenothera macrocarpa
Oenothera macrocarpa
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Origanum dictamnus
Origanum dictamnus
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Origanum majorana
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Pallensis maritima
Pallensis maritima
Propagation par semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Rhodanthemum catananche
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Rhodanthemum hosmariense
Rhodanthemum hosmariense
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Rosmarinus officinalis Montagnette
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Montagnette‘
Propagation par marcottes (layering)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Scabiosa minoana
Scabiosa minoana
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Stachys cretica
Stachys cretica
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Teucrium ackermanii
Teucrium ackermanii
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Teucrium aureum
Teucrium aureum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Teucrium cossonii
Teucrium cossonii
Sans caractère pionnier (does not spread)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Teucrium luteum
Teucrium luteum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

Moyen adaptation au piétinement

Thymus vulgaris
Thymus vulgaris
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Achillea crithmifolia
Achillea crithmifolia
Propagation entre les dalles par rhizomes

S’adapte au piétinement (adapts to foot-traffic)

Achillea tomentosa
Achillea tomentosa
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Cymbalaria muralis
Propagation par drageons (suckers)


Dymondia margaretae
Dymondia margaretae
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Glechoma hederacea
Propagation par rhizomes


Hypericum tomentosum
Hypericum tomentosum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

Faible adaptation au piétinement

Iris lutescens
Propagation par rhizomes

S’adapte au piétinement

Origanum scabrum
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Potentilla verna
Propagation par drageons (suckers) et semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Psephellus bellus
Psephellus bellus
syn. Centaurea bella
Propagation par drageons (suckers)


Salvia multicaulis
Salvia multicaulis
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Sedum album ‘Coral Carpet‘
Enracinement des fragments

Moyen adaptation au piétinement

Sedum gypsicola
Enracinement des fragments

Moyen adaptation au piétinement

Sedum ochroleucum
Enracinement des fragments

Moyen adaptation au piétinement

Tanacetum densum
Tanacetum densum
Propagation par drageons (suckers)

S’adapte au piétinement

Teucrium chamaedrys
Teucrium chamaedrys
Propagation par drageons (suckers)


Thymus herba-barona
Enracinement des tiges (stem-rooting)

S’adapte au piétinement

Thymus praecox subsp. polytrichus
Thymus praecox subsp. polytrichus
Enracinement des tiges (stem-rooting)

S’adapte au piétinement

Thymus roegneri
Thymus roegneri
syn. T.hirsutus
Enracinement des tiges (stem-rooting)

S’adapte au piétinement

Thymus serpyllum ‘Lemon Curd‘
Enracinement des tiges (stem-rooting)

S’adapte au piétinement

Thymus serpyllum subsp. serpyllum
Thymus serpyllum subsp. serpyllum
Enracinement des tiges (stem-rooting)

S’adapte au piétinement

Allium tuberosum
Allium tuberosum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Antirrhinum barrelieri
Antirrhinum barrelieri
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Armeria arenaria
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Asphodeline liburnica
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Asphodelus fistulosus
Asphodelus fistulosus
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus
Asphodelus ramosus subsp. ramosus
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Centranthus ruber Albus
Centranthus ruber ‘Albus‘
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Eschscholzia californica
Eschscholzia californica
Propagation par semis (seeds)

S’adapte au piétinement

Glaucium flavum
Glaucium flavum
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement

Goniolimon speciosum
Goniolimon speciosum
Fleurs mauve en juillet-août

S’adapte au piétinement

Scabiosa holosericea
Propagation par semis (seeds)

Faible (poor) adaptation au piétinement


Flowering Trees and Conifers

Plant lists / Listes de plantes

Flowering Trees and Conifers

Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Acacia retinodes ‘Lisette‘
Mimosa des quatre saisons. Flowers most of the year, perfumed.

Grows in alkaline soils, cold resistant to -5-8 C. Height 4-5m.

Acacia dealbata
Acacia spp.
A family with many species/cultivars.
Photo: Acacia dealbata
Acer monspessulanum
Acer monspessulanum
Montpellier maple, autumn colour.

Height 5-11m.

Aesculus californica
Californian horse-chestnut, perfumed white/pink flowers.

May need training to one stem. Height to 8m, spread to 10m.

Albizia julibrissin
Albizia julibrissin
Attractive pink/pale lilac feathery flowers.

Height 5-15m.

Catalpa bignonioides
Catalpa bignonioides
Strong grower, very large leaves, needs shelter from Mistral, stake.

Large fragrant white flowers, attractive to bees, bean-shaped fruit. Height 8-15m.

Ceiba speciosa
Ceiba speciosa
syn. Chorisia speciosa
Trunk has stout spines and swollen base. Attractive pink/red flowers.

May need protection. Height 9-15m.

Celtis australis
Celtis australis
Good shade tree, tolerant to heat and drought.

Height 10-20m.

Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy
Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy‘
Attractive mottled brown foliage.

Height 3-10m.

Cercis siliquastrum
Cercis siliquastrum
The Judas tree. Early striking white to mauve flowers.

Height 3-10m.

Chilopsis linearis
Chilopsis linearis
Train as a standard tree, pink/mauve flowers in summer.

Very drought resistant. Height 5-10m.

Citrus trifoliata
Citrus trifoliata
syn. Poncirus trifoliata
Spiny small tree. Fragrant white flowers and small, bitter orange fruits.

Height 1-4m.

Cotinus obovatus
Cotinus obovatus
Pink-grey flowers, scarlet autumn colour.

Height to 10m, spread to 8m.

Crataegus azarolus
Crataegus azarolus
Mediterranean hawthorn, coloured autumn fruits.

Height 3-8m.

Diospyros kaki
Diospyros kaki
Spreading tree, autumn colour. Large, orange, edible fruits

Height 5-15m.

Erythrina crista galli
Erythrina crista-galli
Attractive red flowers. Only hardy in sheltered areas with minimal frost.

Height 2-3m.

Ficus carica Ronde de Bordeaux
Ficus carica
Grow as a tree on single stem. Large leaves, edible fruits.
Photo: Ficus carica ‘Ronde de Bordeaux‘
Fraxinus ornus
Fraxinus ornus
Native Mediterranean tree with scented white flowers in late summer.

Height 5-15m.

A wide selection of dwarf and standard fruit trees are available, ornamental as well as productive.
Photo: Prunus avium ‘Bigarreau Moreau‘
Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis Sunburst
Gleditsia triacanthos f. inermis ‘Sunburst‘
Non-thorny cultivar, yellow foliage in autumn.
Koelreuteria bipinnata
Small/medium tree with summer flowers.
Koelreuteria paniculata
Koelreuteria paniculata
Showy panicles of golden-yellow flowers, impressive, autumn colour.

Easy to grow from seed. Height 5-8m.

Laburnum anagyroides
Large pea-like yellow flowers, prone to pucerons.

Height 5-7m.

Lagerstroemia indica
Lagerstroemia indica
Tree, or large shrub, with prominent many coloured flower panicles.

Attractive bark. Height 2-8m.

Melia azedarach
Melia azedarach
Spreading, fast growing, with fragrant star-shaped lilac flowers.

Yellow fruits remain on tree throughout winter. Height 5-15m.

Morus alba
Morus alba
White mulberry. Large tree, autumn colour.

Food leaves of the silkworm. Height 6-15m.

Morus nigra
Black mulberry. Edible fruits.

Height 6-15m.

Acca sellowiana
Acca sellowiana
Guava. Red flowers, edible fruits, requires training.

Height 2m.

Arbutus unedo
Arbutus unedo
The strawberry tree. Bell shaped white flowers and red fruits in autumn.

Height 3-6m.

Arbutus x andrachnoides
Arbutus x andrachnoides
Red branches, all-year-round interest.

Height 4-8m.

Arbutus xalapensis
Arbutus xalapensis
syn. A. texana
The Texas madrone. Orange-brown peeling bark.

Height 5-15 m.

Ceanothus arboreus Trewithin Blue
Ceanothus arboreus ‘Trewithin Blue‘
Small tree covered in deep blue flowers in March/April.

Height 4-8m.

Chamaerops humilis
Chamaerops humilis
Mediterranean fan palm.

Height 5m.

Citrus junos
Citrus junos
Yuzu. Cold resistant to -9°C.


Citrus sp.
Citrus sp.
Fragrant white flowers, may need protection.
Eriobotrya japonica
Eriobotrya japonica
Loquat. Fragrant white flowers, edible fruit.

Height 2-10m.

Eucalyptus woodwardii
Eucalyptus spp.
Most tolerate frosts to -5°C, but some species much more hardy.

Height 10-50m.
Photo: Eucalyptus woodwardii

Laurus nobilis
Laurus nobilis
Aromatic leaves, used in cooking, grow as a standard.

Height 2-20m.

Ligustrum japonicum
Used as hedging and as a street tree, variegated.

Height 3m.

Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandiflora
Fragrant large white flowers followed by rose-coloured fruits.

Height 5-30m.

Nerium oleander Barcelona scaled
Nerium oleander
Wide range of colours. Can be grown as a standard.

Height 2-6m.
Photo: Nerium oleander ‘Barcelona‘

Olea europaea
Olea europaea
No Mediterranean garden should be without one!

Height 5-15m.

Phillyrea latifolia
Grow as a standard. Fragrant green/white flowers.

Height 2m.

Pistacia chinensis
Small/medium tree, magnificent red autumn foliage.

Height to 20m.

Pistacia lentiscus
Pistacia lentiscus
Mediterranean tree with leathery leaves and small red fruits.

Height 1-4m.

Quercus ilex
Quercus ilex
Versatile Mediterranean tree.

Height 20m.

Quercus suber
Quercus suber
The cork oak.

Good for acid soils and near the coast.

Schinus molle
Schinus molle
Good shade tree but needs protection from frost.

Used as a street tree. Height 8-15m.

Cupressus macrocarpa
Cupressus macrocarpa
Monterey cypress, many cultivars. Height 15m.

Image: Bernard Trainor and associates

Cupressus sempervirens
Cupressus sempervirens
Italian cypress, many cultivars.

Can grow over 20m high.

Juniperus oxycedrus
Juniperus oxycedrus
Known in France as ‘cade’ .

Untidy Mediterranean tree, ideal for a wild garden.

Pinus halepensis
Pinus halepensis
Aleppo pine, native to the Mediterranean region.

Height 10-20m.

Pinus pinaster
Maritime pine, native to the Mediterranean region.

Height 20-30m.

Pinus pinea
Pinus pinea
Umbrella pine, another Mediterranean native.

Can be grown in containers. Height to 18m.


Plants with Fragrant Flowers

Plant lists / Listes de plantes

Plants with Fragrant Flowers

Perfumed roses are noted in the Roses list

Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Akebia quinata
Akebia quinata
Twining climber

Vanilla scented flowers followed by sausage-shaped purple fruits.

Bignonia capreolata
Bignonia capreolata
Evergreen, tendril climber.

Red/orange flowers with coffee fragrance.

Clematis armandii
Clematis armandii
Eary-flowering evergreen clematis.
Holboellia coriacea
Holboellia coriacea

Small ceam/mauve male and female flowers, purple fruits.

Jasminum azoricum
Jasminum azoricum
An evergreen twining vine.

Lemon-scented flowers. Long flowering period.

Jasminum officinale

Scented white flowers in summer.

Jasminum polyanthum
Jasminum polyanthum
Evergreen twining climber.

Fragrant pink/white flowers open from pink buds.

Lonicera etrusca
Lonicera etrusca
A deciduous climbing honeysuckle.

Fragrant pink to yellow flowers.

Mandevilla laxa 1
Mandevilla laxa
Twining climber.
Trachelospermum asiaticum
Trachelospermum asiaticum
Evergreen, twining climber.

Fragrant buff-centred, creamy flowers.

Trachelospermum jasminoides
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Evergreen, twining climber.

Highly scented white flowers in summer.

Wisteria sinensis
Wisteria sinensis
Vigorous climber.

Small pea-like, highly scented, mauve or white flowers in spring.

Cyclamen confusum
Cyclamen confusum
Autumn flowering.
Cyclamen hederifolium var. crassifolium
Cyclamen hederifolium var. crassifolium
Vigorous and strongly scented. Autumn flowering.
Muscari macrocarpum
Muscari macrocarpum
Strongly scented. Spring flowering
Narcissus ‘Paperwhite Grandiflora‘
Winter flowering bulb with heavy fragrance.
Narcissus papyraceus
Narcissus papyraceus
Highly perfumed flowers in early spring.
Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus
Narcissus poeticus var. recurvus
Sweetly-scented flowers in late spring.

Naturalises well in grass.

Aponogeton distachyos
Aponogeton distachyos
Aquatic perennial.

White flowers have vanilla fragrance.

Dianthus Mrs Sinkins
Dianthus ‘Mrs Sinkins‘
Strongly scented when close to the flower. Good as a cut flower.
Hemerocallis ‘Judge Orr ‘
Drought tolerant. Short-lived golden yellow flowers.
Hemerocallis Stella dOro
Hemerocallis ‘Stella d‘Oro‘
A compact day lily with short-lived yellow flowers in mid-summer.
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
Spreading rhizomatous perennial with fragrant, pale yellow flowers.
Mirabilis jalapa 1
Mirabilis jalapa
Trumpet-shaped, many-coloured flowers.
Petasites fragrans
Petasites fragrans
Perfumed pinkish flowers in late winter.

Spreading, can be invasive.

Abelia biflora
Pale pink flowers in summer.
Abelia chinensis 1
Abelia chinensis
Deciduous shrub.

Lightly scented white flowers in summer and autumn.

Abelia x grandiflora 1
Abelia x grandiflora
Attractive glossy leaves.

Pale pink, perfumed flowers in summer.

Azara serrata
Azara serrata
Evergreen, glossy foliage and fragrant yellow flowers.
Buddleja chinensis
‘Bewitching’ perfume, small flowers.
Buddleja crispa
Buddleja crispa
Soft grey-green foliage.

Lilac-pink flowers in summer.

Buddleja officinalis
Buddleja officinalis
Pale pink fragrant flowers in early spring.
Calycanthus floridus
Calycanthus floridus
Dark green aromatic leaves, fragrant brown/red flowers.
Cestrum nocturnum
Cestrum nocturnum
Night-time fragrance which attracts pollinating moths.

Good house plant.

Cestrum parqui
Cestrum parqui
Yellow-green flowers, fragrant in the early evening.
Choisya ternata scaled
Choisya ternata
Evergreen rounded shrub, fragrant white blooms.
Coronilla valentina
Coronilla valentina
Pea-like yellow flowers, very perfumed.
Daphne odora
Daphne odora
Evergreen. Pink/white fragrant flowers in winter.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei
Elaeagnus x ebbingei
Small very fragrant flowers in autumn.

Good hedging plant.

Jasminum floridum
Jasminum floridum
Semi-evergreen shrub with deep yellow flowers.
Jasminum grandiflorum
Jasminum grandiflorum
Scrambling deciduous shrub.

Large white flowers with a rich, sweet fragrance.

Lonicera fragrantissima
Lonicera fragrantissima
Winter-flowering shrub with fragrant creamy-white flowers.
Mahonia japonica
Mahonia japonica
Evergreen. Sprays of fragrant yellow flowers in winter.
Osmanthus fragrans
Osmanthus fragrans
Small creamy-white, strongly-fragrant flowers in summer and autumn.

Can be used as a flavouring for tea, sweets and wine.

Osmanthus heterophyllus
Evergreen shrub with holly-shaped leaves.

Small, white, very fragrant flowers

Osmanthus x burkwoodii
Osmanthus x burkwoodii
Glossy, finely-toothed leaves.

Highly scented, jasmine-like white flowers.

Philadelphus coronarius Belle Etoile
Philadelphus coronarius
Creamy white flowers in late spring, very fragrant.
Photo: Philadelphus coronarius ‘Belle Etoile‘
Pittosporum heterophyllum
Pittosporum heterophyllum
Pale yellow, strongly scented flowers followed by dark red fruits.
Pittosporum tenuifolium Atropurpureum
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Honey-scented, deep purple flowers in late spring.
Photo: Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Atropurpureum‘
Pittosporum tobira
Pittosporum tobira
Evergreen, drought tolerant.

Creamy yellow flowers with orange blossom scent.

Sarcococca confusa
Sarcococca confusa
Evergreen shrub to 2m high.

Small, white very fragrant flowers in winter.

Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis
Compact evergreen shrub.

Creamy-white, very fragrant flowers in winter.

Spartium junceum
Spartium junceum
Pea-like, scented yellow flowers.
Viburnum carlesii
Red buds open to highly fragrant, pale pink flowers.
Viburnum x bodnantense
Viburnum x bodnantense
Purple shoots open to fragrant pink-white flowers.



Plant lists / Listes de plantes


Seeds for many of these plants are available from the MGF Seed Collection / Beaucoup de graines de ces plantes sont disponibles dans la Collection de graines de MGF
Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them / Cliquez sur les vignettes pour les agrandir
Rosa Adelaide dOrleans
Rosa ‘Adelaide d‘Orleans‘
Pink buds open to creamy-white semi-double flowers.

1826. Almost evergreen.

Rosa Aimee Vibert
Rosa ‘Aimee Vibert‘
Double white flowers with musky fragrance.

Noisette 1828. Can be used as a hedge.

Rosa Alister Stella Gray
Rosa ‘Alister Stella Gray‘
Creamy-yellow flowers. Very fragrant.

Noisette 1894. Repeat flowering. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Bantry Bay
Rosa ‘Bantry Bay‘
Modern repeat flowering, double pink, fragrant.

Drought tolerant.

Rosa Betty Sherriff
Rosa ‘Betty Sherriff‘
Small single white blooms. Scented. Showy fruits.

Drought tolerant.

Rosa Blush Noisette
Rosa ‘Blush Noisette‘
Spice-scented, lilac-pink double flowers.

Noisette 1814.

Rosa Bobby James
Rosa ‘Bobby James‘
Creamy-white semi-double flowers. Musk scented.

1961. Flowers followed by large quantities of orange-red hips.

Rosa Cardinal de Richelieu
Rosa ‘Cardinal de Richelieu‘
Double burgundy flowers with purple fruits.

Grows in shade and under pine trees. Drought tolerant.

Rosa City of York
Rosa ‘City of York‘
Semi-double white/cream fragrant flowers.

1945. Dark green glossy foliage. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Desprez a Fleur Jaune
Rosa ‘Desprez a Fleur Jaune‘
Warm yellow/apricot flowers, richly scented.

Noisette 1830. Happy in poor dry soils. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Etoile de Hollande
Rosa ‘Etoile de Hollande‘
Vigorous, deep crimson, repeat flowering.

Very fragrant. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Félicité et Perpétue
Rosa ‘Félicité et Perpétue‘
Fragrant white pompon flowers.

1827. Vigorous. Happy in partial shade. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Kathleen Harrop
Rosa ‘Kathleen Harrop‘
Pale pink double flowers. Fragrance of old rose.

1919. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Lady Hillingdon
Rosa ‘Lady Hillingdon‘
Apricot-yellow flowers with tea rose fragrance.

Repeat flowering. Coppery red young foliage.

Rosa Mermaid
Rosa ‘Mermaid‘
Large, single yellow flowers.

1918. Repeat flowering. Glossy foliage, almost evergreen.

Rosa Mme Alfred Carrière
Rosa ‘Mme Alfred Carrière‘
Creamy white flowers tinged with pink. Tea rose fragrance.

Noisette. 1879. Repeat flowering. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Mme Isaac Pereire
Rosa ‘Mme Isaac Pereire‘
Crimson flowers, richly scented.

Bourbon. 1881. Repeat flowering.

Rosa New Dawn
Rosa ‘New Dawn‘
Blush pink flowers with fruity fragrance.

1930. Vigorous.Long flowering season. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Pauls Himalayan Musk
Rosa ‘Paul‘s Himalayan Musk‘
Blush pink double flowers in sprays. Musk scented.

1916. Vigorous.

Rosa ‘Paul‘s Scarlet‘
Rich red semi-double flowers.

1915. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Pierre de Ronsard
Rosa ‘Pierre de Ronsard‘
Beautifully-formed pale pink flowers.

1985. Syn. R.’Eden’. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Rambling Rector
Rosa ‘Rambling Rector‘
Creamy-white flowers with clove fragrance.

c.1912. Vigorous.

Rosa Soulieana
Rosa ‘Soulieana‘
Single white flowers with fruity fragrance.

1895. Grey green leaves and abundant hips.

Rosa ‘The Pilgrim‘
Soft yellow, strong fragrance.

1991. Ideal for shade. Drought tolerant.

Rosa ‘Trier‘
Small creamy flowers tinged with pink or yellow. Musk scented.

1904. Repeat flowering.

Rosa banksiae Alba Plena
Rosa banksiae ‘Alba Plena‘
Small, white flowers in dense clusters. Fragrant.
Rosa banksiae Lutea
Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea‘
Double yellow flowers.

Vigorous, sprawling habit. Thornless. Drought tolerant.

Rosa banksiae Purezza
Rosa banksiae ‘Purezza‘
Similar in appearance to ‘Alba Plena’

Modern hybrid. Repeat flowering.

Rosa banksiae var. normalis
Rosa banksiae var. normalis
Single white flowers. Strongly scented.


Rosa brunonii La Mortola
Rosa brunonii ‘La Mortola‘
Large white single flowers in clusters. Fragrant.

Vigorous climber. Drought tolerant.

Rosa laevigata
Rosa laevigata
White flowers.

Cultivar R.’Cooperi’ has large flowers.

Rosa moschata
Rosa moschata
Creamy-white single flowers. Musk scented.

Late flowering. Drought tolerant.

Rosa sempervirens
Rosa sempervirens
White flowers, in clusters. Fragrant.
Rosa Buff Beauty
Rosa ‘Buff Beauty‘
Soft apricot flowers with tea fragrance.

1939. Repeat flowering. Drought tolerant.

Rosa ‘Charles Rennie Mackintosh‘
Soft lilac-pink blooms, large flowers.

Fragrant. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Cornelia
Rosa ‘Cornelia‘
Pink/peach/cream rosette shaped flowers. Very fragrant.

1925. Repeat flowering. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Fantin Latour
Rosa ‘Fantin Latour‘
Light pink double flowers with a delicate fragrance.

Before 1900. Named after the French artist.

Rosa Fru Dagmar Hastrup
Rosa ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup‘
Light pink single flowers.

Rugosa. 1914. Repeat flowering. Large deep red hips.

Rosa Gruss an Aachen
Rosa ‘Gruss an Aachen‘
Repeat flowering, double polyantha, light-pink.

1929. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Guirlande dAmour
Rosa ‘Guirlande d‘Amour‘
White, semi-double fragrant flowers in clusters.

1993. Long flowering period.

Rosa Iceberg
Rosa ‘Iceberg‘
Large clusters of pure white flowers.

1958. Long flowering period. Very reliable.

Rosa Jens Munk
Rosa ‘Jens Munk‘
Deep pink semi-double flowers.

Rugosa. 1964. Repeat flowering. Abundant deep orange hips.

Rosa Little White Pet
Rosa ‘Little White Pet‘
Superb large clusters of white pom-poms.

1879. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Maréchal Davoust
Rosa ‘Maréchal Davoust‘
Large deep pink flowers.


Rosa Marie Pavié
Rosa ‘Marie Pavié‘
Small blush white double flowers.

1888. Compact form.

Rosa Martin Frobisher
Rosa ‘Martin Frobisher‘
Pale pink double flowers. Powerful old rose fragrance.

1961. Grey/green foliage.

Rosa Molineux
Rosa ‘Molineux‘
Large yellow double flowers. Tea rose fragrance.

Modern. Long flowering period.

Rosa Moonlight
Rosa ‘Moonlight‘
Hybrid musk, white- cream.

1913. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Nuits de Young
Rosa ‘Nuits de Young‘
Dark maroon-purple flowers, strongly scented.

Moss rose. 1845.

Rosa Old Blush China
Rosa ‘Old Blush China‘
Double pink china rose, fragrant.

1752. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Penelope
Rosa ‘Penelope‘
Clusters of creamy-pink semi-double flowers, musk scented.

1924. Repeat flowering. Abundant coral pink hips. Drought tolerant.

Rosa Président de Sèze
Rosa ‘Président de Sèze‘
Lilac-pink double flowers which change colour as they age.

Gallica. 1828.

Rosa Queen of Sweden
Rosa ‘Queen of Sweden‘
Soft pink double flowers.

1954. Can be used as a hedge.

Rosa Roseraie de lHay
Rosa ‘Roseraie de lHay‘
Large double purple-red flowers with strong fragrance.

Rugosa 1901. Glossy apple green foliage. Repeat flowering.

Rosa Sally Holmes
Rosa ‘Sally Holmes‘
Large, creamy white single flowers.

Modern. Repeat flowering. Attractive bright green foliage.

Rosa Scepterd Isle
Rosa ‘Scepterd Isle‘
Soft pink double flowers with a strong myrrh fragrance.

Modern. Repeat flowering.

Rosa ‘Sophie‘s Rose‘
Light red double flowers. Tea scented.

Modern. Repeat flowering.

Rosa ‘Sourire d‘Orchidée‘
Clusters of pale pink semi-double fragrant flowers

Modern. Repeat flowering.

Rosa The McCartney Rose
Rosa ‘The McCartney Rose‘
Deep pink, highly scented flowers.

Modern. Repeat flowering. Excellent for cutting.

Rosa Tuscany Superb
Rosa ‘Tuscany Superb‘
Deep red single flowers.

Gallica. 1837.

Rosa Zephirine Drouhin
Rosa ‘Zephirine Drouhin‘
Thornless, bourbon rose, large,deep pink flowers.

Fragrant. Drought tolerant.

Rosa chinensis Sanguinea
Rosa chinensis ‘Sanguinea‘
Deep red single flowers.

Drought tolerant but needs some protection from extreme cold.

Rosa chinensis f. mutabilis
Rosa chinensis f. mutabilis
Apricot/pink/crimson flowers which change colour as they age.

Long flowering period. Drought tolerant.

Rosa damascena
Rosa damascena
Strongly scented pink flowers.

Can be used as a hedge.

Rosa indica major
Rosa indica major
Pale pink double flowers. Scented.

Vigorous. Can be used as a hedge. Abundant hips.

Rosa rugosa
Rosa rugosa
Deep pink flowers with old rose fragrance.

Repeat flowering. Attractive foliage. Large round hips.

Rosa x odorata
Rosa x odorata
Pale pink double flowers with strong fragrance.

1809. Happy in poor, dry soils.
